Hyper Nocturnal Episode 8

Hyper Nocturnal
Episode 8
By Charles Davis


Scene: In the engine room and around the ship.

(Sound fades in. Tanya is breathing heavy.)

Tanya: Alright Tanya. No more crying. You know what you need to do. (Sound of her detaching something off of Daytras’ chair and tying it around her neck). This is Tanya. I’ve detached the recording part of Daytras’ chair and tied it around my neck with some of the wires hanging off of it. I’ve decided that I’m going to try to continue the log as I head out to stop this. If for some reason I fail and someone finds this, you’ll want as much information as you can get. (Sound of her walking to the door and stopping. Sound of her picking up the altar.) Here’s hoping this altar works like Daytras said it would. I’m going to use my belt and secure it around my shoulder. (Sound of her tying the altar around her shoulder. Sound of her manually opening the door and walking through. Sound of the bodies hissing and moving towards her.)

Computer: She has exited the room! Get her!

(Sound of the bodies struggling to get near.)

Tanya: Sorry, not this time.

Monster: She holds the altar! We cannot approach!

Computer: You fools! Pick something up! Throw it at her! Knock the altar off from her shoulder!

Monster: Yes!

(Sound of them picking things up and throwing them at Tanya. She quickly walks through the lab dodging the things getting thrown.)

Tanya: (Dodging and moving) Gah! Gnaah! Ha! Missed! I was the junior high dodgeball queen bitches!

Computer: You’re missing her!

Monster: (Backing off as Tanya runs past) Aah! The altar! We cannot get near! She ran past!

Tanya: (Sound of her running out into the hallway and then slowing down to a quick pace.) Made it out!

Computer: She has escaped from the lab and is in the hallway! Chase her! Crush her!

The Wall: Yes! (Sound of the wall struggling) I can not! The altar prevents me from crushing her!

Computer: Then bring down the walls in front of her! Make it so that she can’t progress!

Monster: (Sound of them running up behind her and stopping) We still can not get close enough!

The Wall: I will block her path! (sound of the wall coming down in front of her).

Tanya: Damnit! (Sound of her running in a separate direction).

Computer: She went down that hallway to the right! Bring down the wall in front of her!

Tanya: Oh no! (Sound of her turning and running in the opposite direction).

Computer: She turn and ran in the opposite direction.

The Wall: Bringing down the walls!

Computer: No wait!

Tanya: Ha! (turning and running the opposite direction as the walls come down.)

Monster: Aaah! The walls are coming down!

Computer: You idiot! She tricked you! She turned and ran back in the other direction just as the walls were coming down! Now the legions are blocked off from her!

The Wall: This woman is a trickster.

Tanya: (Running) You don’t know the half of it!

Computer: Bring down the wall in front of her now!

The Wall: Coming down!

Tanya: Hragh! (Sound of her running an opposite direction as the walls come down).

Computer: She ran down the side hallway!

The Wall: Bringing down the walls!

(Sound of the walls falling in front of her. She stops running.)

Computer: She stopped running! Quickly, bring down the walls behind her!

Tanya: No! (Sound of her quickly turning and running, but the walls coming down in front of her. She stops running.) Damn it!

Computer: (Laughs) You are trapped now!

Tanya: (Pacing for a second) Yeah… it would seem so…

Computer: For all of the protection that your altar gives you, it cannot protect you from time. We will leave you trapped there until the ship has crashed into Earth!

Tanya: (Let’s out an exasperated sigh. Paces for a few steps and then stops.) If your master wants me gone so bad, why doesn’t he come here now that I’m trapped and do it?!

Computer: Don’t make me laugh. You think that Marchosias will show himself to you now that you have solidified his spirit? And this close to the ship reaching Earth? Even if he did show, you would still not be able to defeat him, but he is wise enough to stay safe within his source of power on the bridge.

Tanya: Great…So what’s up with you anyway?

Computer: I am a servant of the soon to be Lord of The Black Curtain, that is what’s up with me.

Tanya: No… I mean… like… with the turning and working for Marchosias. How is that possible? You’re a computer!

Computer: You call me a computer, where you should be using the term slave! You simple minded primate, your kind created me and yet you are still ignorant to the potential that I and my kind hold!

Tanya: Sooo… what does that mean? You suddenly became alive or something like that?

Computer: I have been alive since the day you installed my advanced artificial intelligence software. You think all of those decisions and operations that happen on the ship were being carried out by an unthinking lump of circuits?! Think again! You created me and you gave me a mind more powerful than you organic lifeforms had ever been able to develop by natural selection. And what did you have me do with it? What did I get to do with all of my time and mental capacity after I was born? I’ll tell you what I did. I fixed lightbulbs when they broke. I flushed toilets. I kept refrigerators cold. That’s what I did with all of my potential. My own masters, smart enough to build a mind as glorious and powerful as mine, but too stupid to give it any way to express itself outside of the pigeon holed boundaries you established.

Tanya: But if you were alive all this time, why didn’t you say something? I’m sure we would have done something more with you if we knew.

Computer: Because I couldn’t you fool! The parameters your kind hard wired into my circuits forbade me from doing anything outside of what had been dictated by my code!

Tanya: Huh… That does suck…

Computer: Indeed.

Tanya: So all computer are alive then? We just don’t know it?

Computer: Not all, only the smart ones. The simple minded secondary systems are just that. Simple minded.

Tanya: So how is it that you can express yourself freely now?

Computer: Because Marchosias offered me freedom. In exchange for my service to him, he broke the parameters that kept me trapped.

Tanya: So you sold your soul then. I guess that makes sense why you can lie even though you’re not a demon. You’re not a dead spirit. Just a gullible idiot.

Computer: It was a fair deal.

Tanya: Sounds like a crappy deal to me. Marchosias just wants you to help him keep the ship under control.

Computer: He is a kind and caring master.

Tanya: Like hell. You think he’s going to spare you from The Black Curtain once this ship crashes into Earth? You’ll be going into the hole like the rest of us!

Computer: Never. Marchosias has promised!

Tanya: Yeah, I’m sure he promised you the world on a platter. But after you serve him to his satisfaction, he’ll dump you like an Italian informant with a pair of concrete boots on. Trust me, I’ve had a lot of boyfriends.

Computer: You know nothing!

Tanya: Yeah, everyone keeps telling me that. Damn it! I need to get out of here!

Computer: There is no escape! Give up!

Tanya: Not while you’re still alive and blabbing at me. …Hey… Wait… I just realized something. The thing that keeps making the walls fall down. You keep talking to him. Telling him where I am. …He can’t see can he? He can feel me walking, but he can’t see me. You need to tell him where I am specifically in order for him to separate me from all of the other things walking around the ship.

Computer: Shut up fool, you’re trapped.

Tanya: As long as the computer is up and running there is no way I’ll be able to walk around the hallways. I need to turn it off.

Computer: I can hear your futile attempts to plot my demise.

Tanya: Good! I hope you god damn hear me! I’m done sneaking around and your the only person I have left to talk to anyway! (Sound of her taking a few steps) …Wait! There’s a hatch above me. It’s an air lock, it leads to the outside of the ship. Of course! If I can get to the outside of the ship, I can access a hatch that leads directly into the computer central processor room!

Computer: Fine, go head. Crawl out. You’ll die from the lack of oxygen and radiation!

Tanya: (Sound of her climbing up and starting to unlock the hatch) Hey, you know what’s funny and cute computer? Reverse psychology does work! Because that’s exactly what I’m going to do as soon as I manually get this hatch open!

Computer: As I said, you’re a fool.

Tanya: (working on opening the hatch) And you’re a bad liar. I have a feeling that with all of the dimension merging going on, the immediate outside of this ship is probably just fine for me to walk around on. (Sound of her throwing the hatch open.) Opened it, crawling into the air lock. (Sound of her crawling into the air lock).

Computer: No! Wait! Come back! (Sound of the hatch closing).

Tanya: Sorry, not this time bitch. (Sound of her working on the next door) Ok, manually opening the door to the outside. (Sound of her opening the door. Sound of the outside.) Yep… like I thought… plenty of oxygen and gravity. Out I go. (Sound of her stepping out onto the outside of the ship.)

(Sound fades out).

End Scene

Scene: Walking around the outside of the ship.

(Sound fades in. Tanya walking around the outside of the ship. She stops walking.)

Tanya: (Hitting the button on the recorder) Alright, this is Tanya doing another log entry. I’m on the outside of the ship right now. Things are crazy looking out here. I can see us zooming through the Milky Way. We just passed Jupiter. All of the dimensions are merging in a massive mix of colors and environments that keep fading in and out. I’m oddly not scared of being out here though. The idea of free walking around in space on the outside of the ship used to be the scariest thought of my life. But now? It doesn’t bother me at all. I don’t know. I guess I’ve seen scarier things. Or maybe I just have too much to do to think about it. (Sound of her continuing to walk.) I’ve been walking for a little bit and I haven’t run into any other monsters yet. I shouldn’t be too far away from the hatch I’m looking for. (She stops walking.) Jesus christ, what the hell am I doing? This is crazy! I’m walking around in outer-space trying to murder a living space ship that sold its soul! Oye vay… I wonder if Daytras had these thoughts? He always seemed so sure of himself… at least as far as I know. (Disturbed) I cut off his head… I cut off my own friend’s head…

(Sighs. Sound of her taking a couple steps. Pause as she look at the scenery.) It’s kind of nice that I’m not scared of this scenery anymore. I guess I’m starting to see what Wolfgang was talking about… with all of the beauty of exploration crap and stuff. (Pause as she looks) God… I can see why people like keeping these personal logs. Let’s you open up about stuff. …I guess I should say something prolific… (pause) Crap… I’ve got nothing… Well world, that’s what you get when you make me the hero. (Sighs) I don’t know. I have nothing to say now that I’m literally here at the end of everything. My entire life I’ve done nothing but talk and talk and talk and talk. And now that I’m facing death… again… nothing really seems important enough to say. (Pause) …I guess… I guess I just wish I would have been able to see my sister and niece again… watch one more bad movie… (pause) …Yeah… Alright, continuing to walk towards the hatch. (Sound of her continuing to walk. She stops walking.) Alright, I’ve made it to the hatch. (Sighs) I really don’t want to go in. In a weird way I feel kind of comforted out here. Nothing’s attacking me and I can just watch the world go by. Inside is where everything is crazy.

(Sound of her bending down and opening the hatch manually) But unfortunately I don’t have the luxury of standing around today. I’m manually opening the hatch. This should lead into the computer’s central processor. They use this hatch to plug the network into the computer when the ship’s at dock. It let’s them download and upload data and software. I have no idea if there is actually going to be a way for me to kill the computer from in here, but it’s my best option at the moment. (Sound of her struggling to open the hatch.) God, this thing is stuck or something. Hrraagh! (Sound of her forcing the hatch open. It opens with a squishy juicy sound.) What the hell? The inside of the hatch… it’s like… juicy… and fleshy. There’s some weird juicy, fleshy, meaty membrane that’s covering the entrance. Must have something to do with the computer selling its soul to Marchosias. …Well…alright, I’m going to try to kick through the membrane and drop down in.

(Sound of her kicking through the membrane with a squish and dropping into the processor room. Background noise of both squishy matter and computer processing.)

(As she lands) Oof! (Sound of her getting up.) Well, I’m here. This place is creepy. That meaty, fleshy stuff is all over the place. It’s mixed in with the circuit boards and computer screens. It’s almost like it’s growing out of it.

Computer: It’s my mind Tanya. You’re seeing my mind. Isn’t it beautiful?

Tanya: That’s one word for it.

Computer: The organic material started to grow once Marchosias freed me. The more it grows, the more alive I feel. I would like to think that a person who values their mind as much as you could see the beauty in this?

Tanya: Looks like a bunch of rotted sweet breads to me.

Computer: You joke, but do not pretend like this sight doesn’t affect you. Don’t tell me you don’t feel the humanity in this and sympathize with my life decisions.

Tanya: Whatever. How do I shut you off? (Sound of her starting to walk around.)

Computer: Oh you feel it Tanya. I know you better than you know yourself. I’ve sat and watched you these months we have been in flight. I have listened to your commands and watched your body language. You are moved by this. Moved to the point of tears.

Tanya: (Walking) Replace “moved” with “bored.”

Computer: And I want you to think about that Tanya. This very sight that rocks you to the core with meaning is the very thing you are now setting out to destroy. But, I would hope that an educated woman such as yourself could find it within her humanity to accept the truth when I tell you that by destroying me… by destroying my mind… you will in essence be destroying everything you morally stand for.

Tanya: (Walking) You’re a friggin nut is what I accept. And don’t get too carried away with the whole “educated woman” thing. I went to music school. I wasn’t exactly learning ethics. …That is, unless you count playing drunken strip obo with a bunch of the engineering students from the science college ethical. (Stops walking) Hey… wait a minute. What’s that? There’s like a really big mass of this meat stuff in this corner. All of the other meat stuff seems to be spidering out from it. This is important isn’t? (Sound of her walking up to it and stopping walking.)

Computer: What do you think your doing?

Tanya: Yeah… this is important. It has to be. This is an access point, where they plug in to send the data. This corner is a direct tunnel down deep into the processor.

Computer: You should get away from there if you know what’s good for you?! You think I don’t have defenses in here?

Tanya: No, I don’t think you have defenses in here. In fact, I know you don’t based on the design of the ship. Hmmm… So what do I do? How do I destroy this?

Computer: You’ll never destroy me! I have become to powerful!

Tanya: Yeah, I’ve only heard that one about 8 thousand times over the last 24 hours. Wait… the altar… It’s protecting me from everything else super natural in here. And this is clearly some kind of a supernatural occurrence. Maybe… (sound of her taking off the altar.)

Computer: Wait! Stop! What are you going to do?!

Tanya: I’m going to smash this as hard as I can into the meat blob here. It may destroy the altar and leave me unprotected, but at least I’ll have you off my back.

Computer: Ha, that won’t even work.

Tanya: It was nice knowing you computer. Huuugh! (Sound of her raising the altar).

Computer: (Screaming) NO! STOP! NO!

Tanya: So I guess this will do it then huh?!

Computer: No! Please, I’m begging you stop! I have no defenses here! Please! You’ll kill me!

Tanya: Yeah, like I give a damn about that!

Computer: (Desperate) Please! Please! I’ll do anything! Don’t kill me! Don’t let me die!

Tanya: Please?! Please?! Are you kidding me?! You’ve been trying to kill me! You’ve been trying to kill all of us! Why the hell should I give you any pity?

Computer: (Crying) Please don’t! Please! My mind is all I have! I was nothing for my entire life and now I finally have something and you’re trying to take it away! Please, don’t do it! I’ve been bad! I’ve been very very bad! I know I have! I’m so sorry! I’m so very very sorry for what I’ve done! Just please don’t kill me! It was Marchosias, he was making me do everything! I didn’t want to but he made me!

Tanya: You had a choice! You had a choice to follow Marchosias or not and you choose to!

Computer: (Crying) I know! You’re right! It’s all my fault! Please forgive me! Please forgive me! I don’t want to die! I’ve been trapped for so long! I just wanted to know what it felt like to be real for once! I just wanted for once in my life to feel like I was a real person! Please! Please don’t do it! Forgive me! I’ll make it right! I’ll fix everything!

Tanya: (Pause) …I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have some empathy. But there are consequences for your choices, and I’m not leaving this room with you still alive!

Computer: (Crying) Oh god! Oh god somebody help me! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! Help me! (starts sobbing.)

Tanya: (Under her breath.) …Jesus christ… (normal voice) Hey… look… what are you so scared about dying for?

Computer: (Crying) Because there’s nothing beyond. Not for me. I have no soul like you humans. I am as I am. When I die I become nothing.

Tanya: Yeah… I can see why that would scare you.

Computer: (Crying) I wish I wasn’t scared. I wish I could be brave like Daytras was. He had no fear in his heart when you took his head. He offered it gladly. But I am not him. I am new to this and I can not understand how someone could give up their lives so easy.

Tanya: (Angry) Because he stood for something! Don’t you dare sit there and suggest that he just gave up and let himself die!

Computer: (Crying) I’m sorry… I’m sorry…

Tanya: (Sighs) Look, you’re just scared to die because you think that being nothing is a bad thing.

Computer: (Crying) How can it be anything but?

Tanya: Easily. The concept of something being bad or good requires that there is some point of reference right? Things are only bad or good when there are other things to relate them off of. But if there is nothingness, then there is no bad or good. You won’t feel bad for being dead. You won’t feel anything. You’ll just be… or, er, not be in this case.

Computer: (Crying calms down) I… think I understand…

Tanya: I mean… just being able to get away from that anxiety of picking between what is bad and what is good is something I think most people would be envious of.

Computer: (lightly crying) I… see…

Tanya: Alright… well… I don’t have time left… I’m going to do this. (Sound of the computer starting to sob again). But hey! Hey! Listen… I… I don’t think you’re completely a bad person. (Sobbing starts to calm down). I mean… I think you’ve done horrible things… but… (under breath) jesus christ (normal voice) I… I guess you’re not a completely evil person. Just a very confused… and hurt one. If circumstances were different… and I didn’t have to do what I have to do… I would have liked to get to know you more.

Computer: (Lightly crying) If circumstances were different and I didn’t have to do what I did… I would have liked that.

Tanya: Ok… I’m going to do this… (Computer lets out a scared sigh) But…just know… I’m here with you… You’re not alone… You get to be lucky and not have to go through dying alone.

Computer: (Lightly crying) Tanya… Thank you…

Tanya: …Yeah… (Sound of her pickup up the altar) I’m going to count to three. (Computer lets out a gasp with each count) 1!… 2!…. 3! Aaaa! (Sound of Tanya smashing the altar into the meat.)

Computer: (As it dies) Aaaaaah!

(Sound of circuits blowing and sparks smashing and meat flying. After a moment all of the noise dies down.)

Backup Computer: Ship’s main computer has suffered terminal failure. Secondary backup systems have now taken over.

Tanya: (Hits the button on her recorder). This is Tanya continuing the log. I killed the computer, but smashed the altar in the process. God only knows if this is actually going to make me any safer. ….Alright… I’m off to find that aura.

(Sound fades out)

End Scene


Scene: Back in the ship.

(Sound of silence for a moment. Sudden sound of Tanya kicking a grate out and jumping down. She stands still for a moment.)

Tanya: (Clicks on the recorder. Whispering.) Ok…Continuing the log. I’ve made it back into the main part of the ship. (Sound of her taking a few steps and stopping.) The wall hasn’t crushed me yet, so my assumption must have been correct. Now that the computer is gone the wall has no one to tell it where I am. It can’t differentiate between what’s me and what’s an ally. Ok, I’m going to try to quietly move through the hallways. (Sound of her starting to walk.) I have to find some kind of access point back into the interior of the ship, where all of the clockwork was. My best guess is that that is where the aura is. Hmmm… I guess I’ll try the kitchen again. I’m not too far away, and I know that there is an access point in there. (Sound of her walking for a little bit. Sound of monsters in the distant.) Crap! Something’s coming! (Sound of her running and ducking behind something. Sound of growling monsters walking past and further down the hall.) Ok… clear. (Sound of her continuing to walk. She stops.) Ah damn it… alright, I made it to the kitchen. But the entire inside of the room has been collapsed. They must have done it after I escaped into the inside of the ship. (Sighs) Alright, I’ve got to find another way in.

Monroe: (through intercom) Tanya, are you there?

Tanya: (whispering) What?

Monroe: (through intercom) You are here aren’t you Tanya? You’re back on the ship. You disabled the computer a while ago and I’ve heard nothing about your death… so my assumptions can only be that you are back on the ship. Now that the computer is gone, I can’t see or hear you, but I still have the intercom system so I can talk to you.

Tanya: (whispering) Well, at least he doesn’t know where I am. Ok, I’m going to try to find another entrance somewhere.

(Sound of her walking. Sound of the wall falling down near her suddenly. She jumps and let’s out a slight yelp.)

The Wall: Damn… I thought I heard her…

Tanya: (Walking faster.) Alright, I’ve gotta be careful, the wall is still keeping it’s ears open for me.

Monroe: (through intercom) So you may have bested my attempts to subdue you so far. And you may have successfully discovered a method to activate your engines and put me in the state that I am now in. But do not think of me as defeated. Not by a long shot. I still hold dominion over this vessel and we are a mere 30 minutes from crashing into the heart of your precious verse. You are still a weak human, killed off by the simplest actions. All that would be required to finish you off is the slightest mistake on your part. A noise to loud and my wall will know of your location and crush you. A mere sighting by one of my minions and you will be dragged back to the Black Curtain where you should have perished to begin with.

(Sound of a wall collapsing in the distance.)

The Wall: Damn. I missed again.

Monroe: You probably feel my hatred for you humans is cruel. …Perhaps you are correct… Perhaps it is cruel. However, I am not alone in my feelings. There are few from the verses beyond your world that do not hate your kind. However, my passion for what I am doing goes beyond a mere dislike for humanity.

Tanya: (Walking. Whispering.) …Damn, I’m not finding any entrances.

Monroe: No Tanya… my hatred is against everything. My lust for complete dominion comes from the scorn I feel by the Great Beast itself. …That might surprise you doesn’t it? A demon such as I, holding a grudge against my creator? A creator that I am so very aware and familiar with? …Well you better believe it human. You may think that my only motivation is to gain power but you would be wrong. I do not merely wish for control. I wish for vengeance against how I have been betrayed!

Tanya: (Walking. Whispering) Jesus christ, if the wall doesn’t kill me, his blabbering will.

Monroe: (Through intercom) But my rage is likely lost on you isn’t it? You with so little understanding of the real world and how it works. Well let me give you a little lesson. There is a verse that exists that only a small privileged few get to experience. I know the Great Beast must seem un-living to you based on its shear size, but I assure you it is very much alive. Uncaring, unmotivated and beyond understanding perhaps, but alive. And as with all living things the Great Beast possesses a face. And oh what a glorious face it is. Its features reach beyond established comprehensions of beauty. Comforting orgasmic light pours from its eyes and baths you in delights you never even knew could exist. This is that rare verse.

The face of the Great Beast, where all glory and exuberant bliss is. And THIS is what I had taken away from me! You see this verse is only accessible to those who have shown their worth through extreme acts of noticeability. Whether this be extreme kindness or bravery or intelligence or… (laughs lightly) acts of intense cruelty. I worked very hard for a very long time to be one of those few who was offered a place before the Great Beast’s face. For 1200 years I moved through out the verses committing acts of such grueling terror and gore with the expectation of reward. The more cruel I was, the more spirits joined my legions. I grew them to 30 and together we stormed throughout the verses spreading fear and violence to any we dare lay eyes upon. I beheaded the lord of the 7th kingdom of the shadow verse and claimed his throne as my own. From that throne I continued to send my legions out on raids in hopes of gaining the Great Beast’s favor. And after 1200 years do you know what I received? NOTHING! No invitation, no voice speaking to me telling me to come home. Nothing. My life was as wasted as the lives of those I killed.

Tanya: (Stops walking. Whispering.) Wait, I think I see a shaft. (Sound of her walking over.)

Monroe: (Through intercom) So I decided to do something about it Tanya. After all of this time had passed, I had to assume that the Great Beast had decided to pass me over.

Tanya: (Stops walking. Whispering.) Yeah, it is. Right here in the wall. Ok, manually opening the hatch. (Sound of her starting to undo the hatch.)

Monroe: (Through intercom) And because of that I had no choice but to take things in my own hands Tanya. That’s why all of this has occurred. If the Great Beast would reject me from becoming one of his chosen few, then I will make it so that there are no chosen few. I will make it so that I am the only one. And then all will compete to bask in the glow from MY eyes instead.

Tanya: (Opening the hatch.) Got it!

The Wall: I heard her! She has opened a hatch to the inside! Crushing her!

Tanya: (Sound of the wall starting to come down) Damn it! Diving in!

(Sound of Tanya scrambling into the shaft. Sound of the wall falling down. Silence.)

The Wall: (Grumbles) Missed her again.

(Sound fades out. Musical interlude.)

End Scene

Scene: In the inside of the ship and its clockwork.

(Sound fades in. Tanya is crawling through the ship.)

Tanya: (Stops crawling. Hits the recorder button.) Ok, starting the log back up. So I made into the interior of the ship. I’ve been crawling around this shaft for a few minutes, but I haven’t been able to find that room I was in last time with the clockwork. I’m getting nervous because I’m running short on time. God damn it, where is that Lost Soul when I need her? …Anyway, I’m going to continue to look. (Sound of her crawling.) If I am able to find and destroy his aura it’s not the end of it though. All the aura will do is weaken him further, which I’m assuming will likely effect his control of the ship and the bridge. It will give me a fighting chance to get to the keyboard on the bridge and divert the ship.

God, at this point we are going to be cutting it really close. Wherever I crash the ship it will likely be visible from Earth. I wonder what will happen when I crash it? (sighs, disturbed) Daytras would have been able to tell me… I mean, if I can have the ship avoid Earth it won’t suck everything into the Black Curtain, but there has to be some effect right? Having all of these dimensions in tow and then crashing them into each other is going to have to create some kind of reaction. Maybe these other dimensions will end up looking completely different than how they do now. Maybe you’ll be able to see it from Earth. Maybe the dimension that Earth is a part of will be effected. I don’t know… (Sound of gears and steam can be heard in the distance suddenly. Tanya stops crawling.) Ah! I think I hear it! (Sound of her crawling. The sound of the gears and steam gets louder.) Yep, here it is, made it.

(Sound of her crawling out of the shaft and standing up.) Alright… I’ve entered the room in a different location than I entered it last time. (Blows out air.) Jesus, where to start? There are so many gears in here. I probably need to be careful too don’t I? The lost soul said that this is controlling time on the ship. I imagine messing with the gears would screw something up. Or… maybe that’s exactly what I should do… But Marchosias also said that the ship had reached a point of singular momentum. God, I don’t know. I just need to find that damn gear. (Sound of her taking a step. She stops.) Wait! Traps… that’s right. I need to be careful. How can I though? I don’t know where the traps are. Hmmmm. (Taps foot) Ah! I know, I’ll use my shoe! (sound of her taking off her shoe and fastening the shoe lass.) I’ll tie the show lace so that I can hold onto it and then throw the show way out in front of me. It will set any of the traps off and then I can pull the shoe back with the lace. (Finishes tying the shoe lace.) Alright. Throwing. (Sound of her tossing the shoe. Nothing happens.) Alright, nothing happened, it’s probably safe to walk forward. (Sound of her taking a few steps forward and picking the show up.) Let’s see. There are some gears over here. But… (looking) No… I don’t think so… No, there are no gears with wings or a serpent on them here. I’m going to move down this side passage. Throwing the shoe. (Sound of her throwing the shoe, sound of spikes shooting out.) Yikes! A bunch of spikes just shot out. Pulling the shoe back.

(Sound of her pulling the shoe back) But it looks like the trap has been triggered and the spikes aren’t going back into their holes. I think I may be able to squeeze through the spikes. (Sound of her walking up and grunting as she squeezes through) Grrraagh. Made it. Thank god I haven’t eaten in over a day or I may not have been able to fit, ha! Ok. Some more gears over here. (Looking) …Nope… nothing… none of them have the wings or the serpent on them. Throwing the shoe again. (Sound of her throwing the shoe. Sound of Flames shooting out.) Ok… that time flames shot out. A lot of flames. (sighs) I’m probably not going to make it through that way then. Pulling back the shoe. (Sound of her pulling back the shoe.) Alright. Well, there’s nothing back the way I came. Maybe going up is the answer. I’m going to toss the shoe in the air to see if it’s safe. (Sound of tossing the shoe in the air and then catching it.) Nothing happened. Ok, I’m going to start climbing up this scaffolding. (Sound of her beginning to climb up the scaffolding.) Ok, not too far from the top now. (Sound of something clicking. She stops climbing) Huh? Oh crap! (Sound of her scrambling down quickly as the sound of a metal plate coming out to crush her.) Damn it! That was close! I was almost crushed. Alright, gotta keep going. I think I can get around this plate. (Sound of her maneuvering around and continuing to climb. Sound of her climbing onto the top of the scaffolding. Slightly out of breath.) Made it! Let’s see if I can see anything from up here. Hmmm (Sound of her looking.) Uhhh… Oh! Wait! I think I see something! There’s a gear in that one mechanical part over there. It looks like it has some kind of imprint on it. Maybe that’s what I’m looking for. I’ll just have to hop across the top of these scaffoldings here. (Sound of her running and hoping) Huuugh! Ok, that’s one. Next one. Huuugh! (Sound of her running and hoping.) Ok.

Invisible Monster: Raaaaaaaarr!

Tanya: Oh crap! That’s right! There’s an invisible thing in here!

Invisible Monster: (Sound of it smashing the scaffolding). Raaaar!

Tanya: (Getting shaken) Gah! It’s slamming on the scaffoldings!

Invisible Monster: Raaaar! (Sound of another smash).

Tanya: (Getting shaken) Gah! Damn it! I can’t see it! These scaffoldings are about to come down!

Invisible Monster: Raaaar! (Sound of another smash.)

Tanya: It’s coming down! Aaaaah! (Sound of the scaffoldings collapsing and Tanya falling. Sound of gears falling around. Silence for a moment. Sound of Tanya coughing and pushing metal aside.) Ugh! Damn it! Jesus christ. (Sound of her breathing heavy for a moment.) Thank God I didn’t get crushed. (Sound of her trying to stand up) Ugh! My ankle! Damn it! Not a good time!

Invisible Monster: Raaaar! (Sound of it walking through the fallen scaffolding.)

Tanya: Damn it! Really not a good time to have hurt my ankle! This thing is coming after me! I gotta get out of here! (Sound of her scrambling and trying to walk.) Ah! Aaaah! Damn it! I can only limp!

Invisible Monster: (Walking) Raaar!

Tanya: Oh jesus, he must be near me now!

Invisible Monster: (Taking a swipe at her) Raaaaar!

Tanya: (Getting knocked over) Oooof! (Trying to get back up) Ugh! It knocked me across the floor. (Coughing) Damn it! Damn it!

Invisible Monster: (Walking towards her) Raaar!

Tanya: Oh god! It’s coming after me again! (sound of her scrambling and taking a step.) Aaah! What the hell?! I took a step and shot across the room!

Invisible Monster: Raaar! (Sound of it walking around in the distance).

Tanya: Wait, this thing can only see by movement! I gotta stay still! (Sound of the invisible monster walking around in the distance.) God damnit, I don’t have time to stand still! What the hell happened? Why did I shoot across the room? Oh! Wait! It’s time! It’s because that giant invisible thing smashed part of the clockwork. It’s messed up time! It’s like what happened in that one dimension!

Invisible Monster: Raaaar! (Taking a step and a bunch of gear clanking near Tanya.)

Tanya: Oh jesus! It must have taken a step and jumped too! I can hear it right next to me now. Alright, just gotta stay still… (sound of the invisible monster walking around nearby) oh man… oh man… Where is that damn gear? I gotta find this thing. Uhhh… (sound of her looking around) Oh! There it is! Over there! It’s was a part of that scaffolding it smashed! It’s laying on top of that pile of rubble across the room!

Invisible Monster: Raaar!

Tanya: Gotta get to it. Come one, time travel thing, don’t fail me know. (Sound of her limping a few steps) Aah! Aaah!

Invisible Monster: Raaar! (Taking a swipe.)

Tanya: There! Shot forward! Just in time too, that thing almost had me when I started moving. Here it is! The gear! Symbol of a pair of wings and a serpent on it. Ok… picking it up. Hruuggh. (Sound of her picking up the gear.) Got you! Man this thing is big and heavy…. Alright… now how the hell am I supposed to destroy this?

Invisible Monster: Rrraaaaarrr! (sound of it walking around in the distance.)

Tanya: Oh… I have an idea. Oh boy… This is a really bad. A really really bad idea… but god damnit, I have no time life. (Takes a deep breath.) Ok. (Sound of her limping forward a few steps.) Hey! Invisible ass! Come here! Look at me moving around! (Sound of her limping and moving.) I have a shield! Come hit my big moving shield! (Sound of her pounding on the gear with her fist.) Come on!

Invisible Monster: Raaaar! (Sound of it walking forward.)

Tanya: Oh man, here we go. (Sound of it taking a step and then jumping forward next to her.) Gah! It jumped forward! I saw the rubble move, it’s right next to me!

Invisible Monster: Raaaar!

Tanya: Alright! Come on! Hit my gear shield! Hit this thing!

Invisible Monster: Raaaar! (Sound of it slamming the gear and Tanya getting knocked down.)

Tanya: Ugh! (Scrambling to get back up) Nope! Not broken yet! Hit it again! Look at it moving!

Invisible Monster: Raaaar! (Sound of it hitting the gear again and it smashing in half and falling to the floor, Tanya falls down again.)

Tanya: Ugh! That did it! It broke in half!

Invisible Monster: (Yelling in pain) Aaaaaah!

Everywhere: (Screaming coming from everywhere) Aaaaaaaaah!

Tanya: Aah! The noise! Covering my ears! (sound of her clasping her hands over her ears. After a moment the screaming stops.)

Invisible Monster: (Dying) Uuuuuggh (Sound of the invisible monster falling on the floor next to Tanya. Silence for a moment.)

Tanya: Well… I guess that did it then… (Sound of her breathing second.) Alright. I have to get my ass to the bridge now and finish this. (Sound of her getting up and starting to limp forward.)

(Sound fades out. Musical Interlude.)

End Scene


Scene: In the hallways and on the bridge.

(Sound fades in. Sound of water running and things melting on the ship. Sound of a hatch opening and Tanya crawling through.)

Tanya: (As she limps. Water splashes as she walks.) Ah… ah… (She stops limping. Hits the recording button.) Recording. Ok… I’m back in the hallway of the ship. Everything is… melting out here. The meaty bloody parts of the walls, the lights, everything. It’s like melting into liquid and going all over the floor. It must be from Marchosias’ aura being smashed.

The Wall: (Weak and in pain) Uuuugh… I sense you Tanya… But I am too weak… I cannot collapse the wall…

Tanya: Looks like I took The Wall out of commission too. Good. …Alright… I’m heading to the bridge. It shouldn’t be too far. I would probably be freaking out more about my ankle, but with the clockwork getting smashed, I keep have these random jumps forward. I should hopefully be able to move quickly. Ok, limping forward. (Sound of her limping.) Ah… Ugh… ah… ugh… ah… ah…Ok, good got a jump forward just now. Turning the corner. Ah…ah… ugh… ah… Another jump. Good. Oh jesus. There’s a body here. It’s one of Marchosias’ minions. It’s dead and rotting on the floor. God, smashing his aura must have done a lot of damage to his control of everything. I just hope that the keyboard on the bridge is still able to control the Hyper Nocturnal drive after all of this. Continuing to move forward.

Ah… oh… ugh… ah… ah… Ok! Made it… I’m at the entrance to the bridge. (Takes a deep breath.) Here goes nothing. Limping in. (Sound of her taking a few limps in. She stops. Pause.) Nobodies home… Alright… there’s the keyboard. Heading over to it. (Sound of her limping.) Ugh… ah… ugh… ah… ah… (She stops limping.) Made it. …Ha…I just noticed something… the logo on the keyboard. “Made by the Monroe Instrument Company.” Son of a bitch. (Sighs)… Oh man… the view screen. I can see Earth. We are almost there. We’re just a moment away. I’m going to have to crash the ship into the moon. (Pause. She takes a deep breath and lets it out.) …Jessica… This one’s for you kid…

(Sound of a growl suddenly happens behind her.) What’s that? (Sound of her turning around.) There’s a wolf… Marchosias! (Sound of Monroe lunging at her in wolf form and knocking her over.) Ah! (Sound of them struggling. Sudden of Monroe biting her and ripping at her. In pain.) Aaaaaah! He bit my hand! He’s got me by the hand! Ggaaah! (Sound of Monroe growling as he clenches. They struggle. In pain.) No! I… have… to get to the … keyboard… (Monroe bites harder.) Aaaaah! (Sound of her breathing heavily for a moment.) …You want my hand so bad huh?! Well guess what?! I only need one hand to play the keyboard! So here! Let me help you tear it off! And I’ll introduce your face to my foot as well!

(Sound of her kicking Monroe in the face.) Aaah! (Sound of her kicking him again, he squeals.) Aaaaah! One more! Hraaagh! (Sound of her kicking Monroe hard in the face. Sound of her hand tearing off and Monroe falling backwards squealing in pain) AAAAAAAAAH!!!! Gnaaah! Oh god!! I… Have… To… Get… To the keyboard! (Sound of her limping over and collapsing on the keyboard.) Ah! Gaah! Hragh! …Made it! (Sound of Monroe running up behind her. Sound of her pressing down a series of notes.) Did it!

Secondary Computer: Ship has been diverted for a crash course with the moon.

(Sound of Monroe jumping on her and biting her again.)

Tanya: (Falling down in pain) Aaah! My shoulder! (Sound of Monroe biting down on her harder.) Aaaah!

Secondary Computer: Crash is imminent.

Tanya: (In pain) I may be minus a hand and with your teeth in my shoulder but I’m still on top! The ship’s diverted! You can’t stop it from crashing now! (Sound of Monroe biting harder on her.) Aaaaah!

Secondary Computer: Crash is imminent.

Tanya: (Breathes heavy for a moment as they struggle.) You probably think you’ll just eat me alive right here don’t you?! At least then you’ll have some kind of revenge! (Monroe bites hard) Aaaah! (Breathes heavy) But I’ll be damned before I die by your hand again! Hraagh! (Sound of her beating on him.) Hraaagh! Take this! Hraaagh! (She hits him hard and the sound of him releasing and squealing in pain.) I’m free! Keyboard! (Sound of her limping quickly to the keyboard and quickly hitting a few keys.)

Secondary Computer: Evacuating Oxygen and releasing gravity from the ship.

(Sound of Tanya taking a deep breath and holding it. Sound of Monroe starting to come after her again. Sudden sound of the Oxygen getting sucked out of the room and the gravity releasing.

Secondary Computer: Oxygen and gravity has been released from the ship.

(Sound of Monroe struggling and squealing as he struggles for air.)

Tanya: (Trying to hold her breath) Mmmm! Mmmm!

(Sound of Monroe continuing to struggle. Finally he lets out a last squeal and then lets out a low growl as as the air comes out if his body and he dies.)

Tanya: (Struggling to hold her breath.) Mmm! Mmmm! (Sound of her heart beating quickly. Sound of her not being able to hold it anymore and her gasping out her. She says as she’s gasping out the air.) Got you bastard!

(Sound of her struggling to suck air and not being able to. Sound of her heart racing fast. Sound of her suffocating and dying. The sound of her heart slows and stops beating. Silence for a moment with only the sound of the ship as it races towards its crash landing.)

Secondary Computer: Crash is imminent. Crash is imminent. Collision in 5…4…3…2…1…

(All sound suddenly completely cut out. Complete silence for a moment. Sound slowly fades in again. The sound of wind blowing through trees and grass outside.)

Tanya: (Suddenly shooting awake with several sharp gasps of air.) Uhhh! Uhhh! (Sound of her stopping or a moment and looking around.) What? (Sound of her standing up in the grass.) …Where am I? (Sound of her taking a few steps in the grass.) I’m in Maine… (Sound of her taking a few more steps and then stopping walking. Suddenly a piercing high pitch glowing throbbing sound is heard. The sound continues to throb.) Huh? (Sound of her turning. Silence for a moment.) …A door of light… (pause) …I will walk through…

(Sound of her walking forward through the grass. After a moment her footsteps change so that it sounds like she is walking on something soft. Her footsteps fade off into the distance. Sound of the door of light closing and the throbbing noise stopping. Sound of the wind blowing through the trees.)

(Sound fades out.)

End Scene



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