SFRT Presents: The Ba Gua Etuis Box

Sci-Fi Radio Theater is proud to present our first radio play entitled “The Ba Gua Etuis Box.” The first episode is available for streaming and download now on our website, iTunes and SoundCloud. New episodes will be uploaded every Sunday starting March 4th. The Ba Gua Etuis Box is an 8 part radio play and the final play will be uploaded on April 15th.

The Ba Gua Etuis Box has been in production for over a year and it’s a great excitement (and relief) to finally put out what we’ve been working so hard on all this time. I (this is Charles by the way) started writing the script for The Ba Gua Etuis Box in January of 2011. At the time I predicted that the entire podcast and website would be completed and launched within 4 months. Boy was that wrong!

As for the story itself, The Ba Gua Etuis Box takes place in a futuristic Boston where robots (called “Nodes”) are an integrated part of everyday life. The story kicks off when a mysterious woman hires private investigator Otto Vainikainen and his french metal-head assistant Patricia to investigate the murder of her brother. What happens from there? You’ll just have to listen to find out!

Thank you again for checking out our operation and for listening to our first radio play. And if you like it (and heck, even if you don’t like it) leave a review on iTunes, SoundCloud or send us a direct message at or on Facebook or Twitter. Help us spread the word by passing it on to your friends too!

Roxors in your Boxors my friends!


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